Nicky van den Biggelaar wins Ghent European Grand Prix

An exciting record edition of the European Grand Prix Othello was won by Nicky van den Biggelaar (The Netherlands). He managed to defeat Jeroen Everts (The Netherlands / Sweden) in the final with 2-0. Jeroen Everts played the tournament of his life and started furious with 9/9. Two losses in round 10 and 11 did not bother him to move into his first ever EGP final. Also Nicky van den Biggelaar and youngster Arthur Juigner (France / Switzerland) finished the tournament with 9 wins, but Arthur Juigner did not gather enough disks troughout the tournament. He had to play Niklas Wettergren (Sweden) in the play-off and won this game narrowly (34-30). We can note that Nicky van den Biggelaar scored top 3 in the last 12 European Grand Prix tournaments he participated and won 6 of them. Impressing!
Best Belgian player (for the 11th time in a row) was Tom Schotte who played a quality first day with 6 wins and 1 loss. He could not keep this position on day 2 though and fell back to a 5th position with several other players (Imre Leader, Takuji Kashiwabara, Francesco Marconi, Albert Kortendijk and Arnaud Delaunay). Marcel Peperkamp made another come-back and was placed 2nd Belgian with 6 wins and 5 losses. Also Dimitri Vaes had 6 wins.